Family Life: The Good, The Bad, and The Blog Worthy Introduction

     Family is complicated. 
     In fact, textbooks really don't have a definition of "family" because it is so complicated. You don't have to think long about it to figure out why that is. Every family is uniquely different!
     But the one thing families have in common is that they have their good moments, their bad moments, and their sharable moments. 
     This blog is kind of about all these moments and more. This blog will hit stuff that families are going through. How families work. Effects on the family. What makes a family, a family. With just about everything in between.
     I'm not going to lie, there will probably be some controversial topics that you might not agree with. That's ok! It's ok not to agree with everything I say because, let's face it, I'm not an expert on the subject. In fact, I'm just a college student trying to make it through one of her classes this semester. I will say I'm excited about this opportunity because a topic such as family, can go so many ways! It's also good to get insights on what other people think and are researching which is why I want to hear what YOU think. Everyone has something to contribute to the conversation, and the more ideas we have, I think the better our families can grow. You don't have to agree, but I ask you to read with an open mind, to use a sociological perspective, to see just how much (dare I say) we can improve the family relationship. The way I see it, the more we learn, the more we think, the more we act, we can contribute to much to our families. 
     Because let's face it.
     Family is complicated.
